Winton, J. Martin

1969 COMMUNITY LEADER INDUCTEE J. MARTIN WINTON Grizzled veteran and pioneer of the Fresno chapter of Ducks Unlimited, J. Martin Winton was known as “Mr. Duck.” He probably knew more history about the days of the so-called “market hunters” and the heydays of the Dos Palos and Los Banos Grasslands Duck Clubs than anyone in…

Sciaroni, Lloyd

1969 SKEET SHOOTING INDUCTEE LLOYD SCIARONI They sent a boy to do a man’s job and they got a surprise. Lloyd A. Sciaroni was only a freshman at Fresno High School when he tied the 410 shotshell world record in 1938 at the Western Open Skeet shoot. From 1935 to 1940, Sciaroni competed against the…

Messer, Dale

1969 FOOTBALL INDUCTEE DALE MESSER Dale Messer inherited some of his drive to excel from his father, but most of his early sports instruction came from then Island Elementary School principal Marion Jones. Messer became a famous track and football star at Lemoore High School, College of the Sequoias, and Fresno State, through the teaching…

Kazanjian, John

1969 FOOTBALL INDUCTEE JOHN KAZANJIAN Eligibility rules were a little different when Fowler product John “Casey” Kazanjian played two years at fullback for the first two football teams in Fresno State history. Three years later, he enrolled at Stanford University and played guard for two years. Today, he would have had to complete his four…

Merriman, Lloyd

1968 BASEBALL INDUCTEE LLOYD MERRIMAN Lloyd Merriman graduated from Clovis High School in 1942 when Daryle Lamonica was only a year old. Two of the most famous Clovis High athletes have stadiums named after them. There is the Lloyd Merriman Field for baseball and the Lamonica Stadium for football. Lamonica’s collegiate and professional achievements far…

Kaster, Charles

1968 TRACK & FIELD INDUCTEE CHARLES KASTER In 1930, Charlie Kaster capped a great career as a hurdler when he competed in the British Empire Games as a member of the U.S. shuttle hurdle relay team. In his leg, Kaster held off the British champion, David Burleigh, to help the U.S. team to victory in…

Harris, Leo

1968 FOOTBALL INDUCTEE LEO HARRIS Leo A. Harris enjoyed success in any athletic endeavor that he tried, highlighted by a twenty- year tenure as athletic director at the University of Oregon, Eugene. The Santa Cruz-born and raised Harris starred in football, basketball, baseball, and swimming at Santa Cruz High School. He was recruited by Stanford…

Clark, Monte

1968 FOOTBALL INDUCTEE MONTE CLARK Monte Clark was an outstanding football player and earned fourteen athletic letters at Kingsburg High School. He was a three-year starter at tackle for USC and Trojan co-captain in his senior year. Clark was a three-year defensive tackle for San Francisco, a year as an offensive tackle for the Dallas…

Beatty, Hal

1968 ATHLETIC ADMINISTRATOR INDUCTEE HAL BEATTY The old adage of “Jack of all trades, but master of none” is debunked when you are talking about the late Harold J. “Hal” Beatty. He was born in Los Angeles, but raised in Oakland where he competed in football and track at Roosevelt High School, Beatty is one…

Barnett, Don

1968 BASEBALL INDUCTEE DON BARNETT There were no radar guns when Don Barnett was throwing heat for the 1951 Fresno State baseball team, but no collegiate pitcher could get the ball to the plate any faster. “Don most certainly threw in the mid-90s,” said teammate Jake Abbott. “He was just wild an enough that batters…