White, Jackie

1995 WOMEN’S BASKETBALL INDUCTEE JACKIE WHITE It’s quite possible that the Fresno County athlete that most dominated the sport that they participated in, was a female. Jackie White had the numbers and accomplishments in her basketball career to suggest that what she did was of legendary proportions. During her high school years at San Joaquin…

Seaman, Bob

1995 TRACK & FIELD INDUCTEE BOB SEAMAN In August 1962, Bob Seaman ran the mile in 3:58 at Whitesbridge Stadium in London, England, becoming the first, and to this date the only, Valley-born athlete to beat what, at that time, was the magic mile mark. Seaman had a remarkable track career as a competitor, assistant,…

Kenney, Skip

1995 COACHING-SWIMMING INDUCTEE SKIP KENNEY Skip Kenney never swam a competitive lap in his life, but parlayed the wisdom of Gene Stephens, Darryl Rogers, and Don Gambril with thirteen months as a Marine-the last four as a sniper in Vietnam-into the most successful collegiate team swimming program in the country. He coached his Stanford University…

Higgins, Rod

1995 BASKETBALL INDUCTEE ROD HIGGINS In 1978, Fresno State basketball coach, Boyd Grant, introduced a new recruit at the pre-season luncheon of the Bulldog basketball booster’s Time Out Club. The shy 6’7″, rail-thin, teenage forward from Harvey, Illinois, stood up, smiled, and waved to the crowd. Coach Grant announced to the audience, “This is Rod…

Elgorriaga, Jose A.

1995 COACHING-SOCCER INDUCTEE JOSE A. ELGORRIAGA It would be difficult to find a man for all seasons, all people, and all settings who had a greater impact on our community than Jose Elgorriaga. He was often referred to by his Academic associates as the “Renaissance Man,” but that didn’t really encompass all this icon accomplished.…

Cropsey, Allen

1995 COACHING-BASEBALL INDUCTEE ALLEN CROPSEY Adversity can create a thirst, either to succeed or to have a pity party. Allen Cropsey chose the former and was successful beyond his wildest dreams. On July 15, 1944 during the summer he lost his right arm while working on a newspaper conveyer belt. Cropsey had displayed all-around athletic…